Sunday, February 16, 2014

New Transfer

Well everyone, I’m tired! It’s been a long week. My Companion is awesome! Elder Schwalger, he’s a Samoan from Hawaii. He’s super funny and happy. He has a ukulele also so we jam out sometimes at night. His Spanish is awesome and he’s just cool all around. It’s funny because all he wears at night is a lavalava, or the skirt thing, it’s funny but it’s completely normal for him. Anyways so yeah transfer day we woke up at 5 because my comp had to be there early for a trainer training. He’s not very happy he’s training again, but such is life. So I basically moved 4 miles south of where I was. My area is from the 110 to prairie and imperial hwy, to Rosecrans. Yeah even bigger than my last. Oh and we live at the bottom corner and everything is up hill from us. Its miserable going up some of the hills. and my new companion has a fixie road bike, so no gears and he looks like he is going to die going up those hills. The worst part to me is that the church building is 40 min away on bike. Each way. So times that by 5 times a week and we do a lot of riding. It’s horrible. We’re trying to see if the other elders can give us a ride, because it would make life much easier. but there was a meeting a while back, and president said that zone leaders and district leaders that have cars should not feel obligated to give rides, so in other words, our zone leaders and Elder Egbert don't give rides to us. I wasn't going to complain but over and hour almost every day of biking gets long.
So the new area. 2 other investigators that we still have not been able to contact yet. and that’s about it. There are a lot more active families, but at the same time a lot of less actives. and a big problem around here is that no one is ever home. Literally no one for the whole week we got 3 less active visits and 1 other lesson. It looked like we did nothing but we were really trying. So it’s hard, we hope to find some new investigators. But there are a few super nice Members, The ***, a super old couple that always gives us dang good food, and then a recent convert family the ***, and no that is not a Hispanic name. He is actually Hawaiian, and she is Guatemalan, he hardly know Spanish and she hardly knows English, but somehow they are married, they are willing and happy to serve. But this area has been pretty dead for a while so I think it might be hard to get it back up. But we have deep faith it will.
Other than that nothing much has happened this week. Oh wait, yeah so one of those 40 min bike rides we did in the rain! It was absolutely amazingly wet! I was soaked and cold and then we had to ride back. At least it wasn’t raining then, but it was super cold and windy. So I hope that doesn’t happen again. Anyways I love you all, and hope you have a good week! You are all in My Prayers and keep your prayers up for me!


Elder Hollingshead

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