Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Well everyone!

 So today is going to be quick. All the libraries are closed again, so I’m here in office depot using one of the display computers.... But I’m getting tired of standing. Anyways. This week has been alright, I’m so tired. We still haven't found new investigators, *** dropped us yesterday. That was hard... we never found him for 2 weeks and when we finally found him he acted like he didn't know who we were and also told us not to come by because we he was offended and didn't want to change. Other than that we have ****, who has phcosis and it’s really interesting. His mom wants us to come by everyday just to talk about him and she’s really pushy. I really don't care for her that much but he’s our only investigator and our only hope. The *** family is doing alright. We talked about the priesthood and he understood a lot more, but they got sick this week and couldn't make it to church... also we found a less active family this week. Familia ***. Super awesome, I don't understand why they are less active. The dad is super funny and joking and they want to feed us 2 times this week. So we can’t complain.

So we also have tried to contact referrals, but no ONE IS EVER HOME! grrr.. but one of them is a super awesome family and we have found the dad a few times but never his wife who is actually the referral from LA English. Hopefully we can contact them this week and start teaching. Yesterday we also receive a referral from a member that sounds super great. So we have deep faith we will have a great week. That's what we have talked a lot about as a mission is deep faith and Prayers.

On Wednesday we had Zone conference and it was good, but didn't start out will. We were 10 min. late. The zone leaders were going to pick us up but super early and of course the day we need to wake up early is the day our phone turned off in the night and we didn't wake up. So... we called them and they said they would get other elders to come and pick us up. and they came a little too late and then we got stuck in LA traffic. but over all I was a good zone conference. Friday we went on splits and I was with Elder Marin's greeny. It was fun, and we had a pretty good day. and I realized how much my Spanish has grown since MTC days. So we had fun and visited the Sepulveda family. They also gave us some food on last min notice. Super nice and fun family, but never come to church....

 Well I hope you are all doing great in Mesa, or wherever you are at. If you didn't know Brayden got his mission call to Nicaragua. He leaves in the beginning of April. And he's going to Mexico MTC! So I’m excited for him. And that's right Sam just left this week! How fun. Bytheway thanks for B-day card, and money. OH and If you are reading this Kara and Sis Ludlow. Thanks for the Valentine’s Day chocolates they were delicious! I love you all and Hope you have a great week! Keep me in your prayers, and thanks for all you do!


Elder Hollingshead

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