Monday, February 24, 2014

Have a Fantastik Week

Hello Everyone!

Well this week was great. Kind of. Monday we had dinner with the *** family. They are super cool. Hopefully they will get sealed soon. She wants to get sealed before she has her baby in May. They both have their Endowments, but because of custody issues, they have not been able to get sealed. So that's a work in progress. But super cool family. Tuesday was interesting. At English class, the Assistants to the president just showed up to see how classes were going. So weird and unexpected. But after class later that night we got a call from the zone leaders saying we don't have to go to class anymore. Apparently the office had no idea that we lived 40 min from the church. So they cut 2 trips a week and I’m very thankful. Wednesday I had my 6-month training. (still weird to think I’ve been out this long). That was really good. I almost enjoyed it more than Zone conference. It was mostly about just making new goals and progressing in your mission. Because I have seen it a lot, after 6-8 months missionaries just stop progressing and just stay at the same level for the rest of the mission.  So anyways we made some good goals and mission visions for ourselves and for the mission. Thursday was long. We met with*****, he’s doing alright. But his psychosis is still a big problem anyways we talked and invited him to church he said yes. We got a ride and everything and then he called a little before and said he couldn't come..... Anyways he still has a lot of potential.
Friday we had district meeting, and guess who showed up again... yeah the AP's otra ves. So now were just super confused why they keep coming. We think it will get solved tonight as we have a zone conference call with president. I wonder how that is going to go. After the meeting I went on splits. Back to my old area.... super weird and I kind of miss it.  Mostly we were at ***'s house to eat dinner and then pickup some other stuff after our lessons. O well. Fun and quick. Saturday Was MY BIRTHDAY!!!!! I didn't tell many people it was my birthday so nothing crazy happened. but on our way back to the apartment after coordination, Elder Schwalger and Elders Nelson and Amacher wanted to go to Home town buffet and eat lunch/dinner to celebrate my birthday. So yeah that's what we did. So that has been my week.

A new bishopric. WOW sounds super great. And it sounds like you had a fun time with the kids for a day. Amber sent me and email about her quick trip.  Looked fun. What else, anything crazy or new in Mesa, or AZ. I heard it is supposed to rain a couple of days here in LA so I’m not really looking forward to that. Oh.. So last night as we were riding home, fog moved in, like it usually does, but it was thick. Like the times up at the cabin and you couldn't see anything. Super crazy and fun to ride in. But it has been super foggy lately, almost every day. What else.... OH and I figured out how to solve the Rubik's cube again. Elder Cisneros gave me one before he left and I finally figured it out again. My companion has taught me some new songs on the ukulele. So we jam out sometimes, I’m going to see if he'll teach me some guitar. But I hope everything is going good with you all! I love you and have a great last week of February. 

Elder Hollingshead

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